El amor mantiene a un perro y un gato viviendo bajo el mismo techo

Gentle dog picks out her own shelter kitten to take home

Perhaps one of the most widespread misconceptions that exist in the world today is that cats and dogs can never get along. In all fairness, there are countless examples that could be used to reinforce it. Even more, there are also unlikely friendships in the world of dogs and cats which show that felines and canines can not only accept each other but they can actually be best friends!

Between Raven the dog and Woodhouse the cat there was love at first sight. Now, the unlikely duo is melting hearts all over. They like to do everything together and their friendship only grows stronger and stronger by the day. But that’s not even the best part about this story.

They way the two have met is just unbelievable.You see, Raven was feeling a bit lonely and needed a play buddy with whom he could climb stuff, run and watch TV, so his owners decided to take him to a shelter to see if there’s someone there with whom he connects.

“I had always wanted a dog and a cat to grow up together. It’s been like a life goal,” Raven’s mom, Christina told the Dodo. “I wanted them to be able to get along well. So I wanted her to actually meet the cat and have the cat get along with the dog as well.”

What not even his owners could expect was for that someone to be a cat. Raven was instantly drawn to the kitten, and the two have been inseparable ever since. And there’s some adorable proof to back it up. “They are perfect with each other. They don’t cuddle as much as they used to when they were a puppy and kitten. But they’re still always together, always playing together,” Christina said.

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