Un niño encuentra amor y consuelo en el abrazo de un perro, luego de ser abandonado por sus padres.

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Rommel Quemenales, an 11-year-old boy from Quezon City, Philippines, has lived apart from his divorced parents since he was a child. She has an older sister who lives in another city, but she has been begging for food on the streets since she passed second grade since she lacks the financial means to get there.

Rommel says he always wanted to continue his education after being abandoned by his loved ones, but he had to leave school early. After his story went popular on social media, images of him and his puppy spread the internet, touching the hearts of thousands of people across the world.

Maria Kabs saw the child and his dog on the streets and shared photographs of them on her Facebook page. The woman was so affected that she felt compelled to photograph the two wonderful friends.

A dog provides comfort and friendship to an abandoned youngster.

With the photo of Rommel sleeping with his dog in his arms, the news that was revealed in 2018 traveled around the world. In the middle of adversity.

Rommel claims he found solace in Badgi, a homeless dog who was also wandering the streets alone; the two have since become great friends who inspire each other to keep fighting for life.

When Rommel needed food, he always shared it with his closest friend, and in return, Badgi always protected his buddy from other begging youngsters. Every night, the two friends hugged and slept close together, attempting to recover from the exhaustion of the day.

The horrible circumstances under which these two small individuals met and enriched each other’s lives provided both hope and despair. Rommel seemed to be unafraid of loneliness and abuse while he is with Badgi; for his part, the puppy didn’t care if his companion was a vagrant or a privileged child; love was enough for this canine.

Little Rommel is attending courses and establishing a brighter future with his amazing canine friend, according to Yan.vn, thanks to the efforts of many people and Maria’s popular post about her experience with Badgi.

After all that has transpired in his short life, this little kid is still full of love, hopes, and is happy with the wonderful connection he has formed with his trusty dog.

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